Lasithi: Discovering its natural beauty

Crete, the largest island country in Greece, is full of unique scenic locations that combine tradition with natural beauty. One of its hidden treasures is the prefecture of Lassithi. Although it may not be as well known as other regions, Lasithi hides an authentic beauty that leaves visitors enchanted.
As you enter Lassithi, the natural beauty of the region welcomes you with its unexplored gorges, vast beaches and impressive mountains. Your eyes will meet the lush green vegetation, pine forests and olive groves that make up an impressive landscape.
Some of the natural calms of the prefecture of Lassithi are the following:


An island that carries on its back a great history, as its name has been associated with isolation. This island, located in the bay of Elounda and opposite the settlement of Plaka, became known as the “island of lepers”, as in 1903 it was officially decided to turn the island into a leper hospital and house people affected by Hansen’s disease. The island is now a tourist resort, with crowds of people visiting every year to admire and see the ‘island of tears’ for themselves.

Chrysi Island or Gaidouronissi

Its shallow blue beaches are reminiscent of something from… Caribbean. Chrisi or Gaidouronisi, is located 8 nautical miles south of Ierapetra. Its natural wealth is impressive and for this reason it is integrated in the European network of protection Natura 2000.
To live a complete experience in Chrysi, trust Chrissi Island Daily Cruises – Christina Boat and you will be amazed by the place and the services of the experts. An excellent choice for this experience is also Archagelos Cruises.

Chryssi Island is one of the 81 uninhabited islands of Crete.

It is also called Gaidouronissi (in Greek it means the island of donkeys).
It is said that in the old days, when a donkey got old in Ierapetra, the locals would bring it to the island to die.

Palm forest Vai

At a distance of 24 km east of Sitia you will encounter the Vai palmgrove. Palm trees, sandy beach, deep blue waters… just three of its exotic features. It is the largest in Europe, occupying about 250 hectares. Its name comes from the word “Vaya”, which means palm tree. This natural environment is rare and so for decades it has been declared a protected area and activities in it have been restricted. It is one of the special places in the prefecture of Lassithi.

Richtis Gorge

North of the prefecture you will find the gorge of Richtis, one of the most important natural attractions of the whole island. The gorge starts near the village of Exo Mouliana and ends in the Cretan Sea. If you decide to follow its route, 1800 meters from the Lachanas Bridge you will see the waterfall of the gorge.
The beauty of Lasithi is not limited to nature alone. The wealth of culture and history is equally evident. With its traditional villages, archaeological sites and monuments, the prefecture of Lassithi will take you back in time.

And as for where to stay, read the article below: